Sunday, January 24, 2010

Helping educate women about choices

We have had the most interesting day and God knows that is why I am here in a position to help women who are undergoing chemtherapy and losing their hair. You see, to me it is more than just selling a wig. A wig purchase has to have a purpose and a reason. Do you choose synthetic or human hair? It's all about your needs and your lifestyle. It really does not mean just another retail sale. It means that I have an opportunity, as does my staff, to educate women about their choices, to gently bring them to a place of peace in their hearts regarding losing their hair they have coveted all of their life. It is about coming to grips being diagnosed with cancer and how could that possibly happen to me?

Today, we helped a young woman who had the most gorgeous, long hair come to grips that she was not only in the process of losing her hair but that if she did not develop a plan now, next week she would be faced with cutting her beautiful hair filled with mats that just can't be brushed out. It would have to be cut off. And, in my opinion, would be much more traumatic that not. Making a plan, taking control over what you can and seeing it through is - yes, difficult at best, yest it sucks! - but the only way to move forward is to pull within and find the courage to keep moving forward.

Yes, we developed a plan and yes I hope and know that we have helped her find her way in an overwhelming situation. This is Susan's Special Needs and this is what we do. We make a difference. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to women who need our help.

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