Monday, April 23, 2012


Updated 04/03/12 4:14 PM · Posted  by  · 3 Comments
Just as important as it is to fuel up before you exercise, don't forget to eat a little something once your workout is complete. (Your body needs a combo of protein and carbs to build and repair muscle and quickly recharge lost energy.) Don't go overboard and consume so many calories that it cancels out the ones you burned while sweating it out. Here are some ideas for post-workout snacks, all under 150 calories.
  1. 4 oz. lowfat cottage cheese (81 calories) mixed with half a cup of diced fresh pineapple (41 calories): 122 calories
  2. One extra small apple (53 calories) with one tablespoon peanut butter (94 calories): 147 calories
  3. 15 baby carrots (53 calories) with two tablespoons of hummus (70 calories): 123 calories
  4. One Horizon organic mozzarella cheese stick (80 calories) and 15 grapes (51 calories): 131 calories
  5. 6 oz. container of Peach Chobani Greek yogurt: 140 calories
Keep reading for more post-workout snack ideas.
  1. One small banana (90 calories) with eight raw almonds (55 calories): 145 calories
  2. 6 oz. Horizon Organic Low-Fat Chocolate Milk (126 calories) or 8 oz. Silk Chocolate Soymilk (138 calories)
  3. Half a Luna Protein Chocolate Bar (85 calories) and eight medium strawberries (31 calories): 116 calories
  4. Trail mix made with 15 peanuts (87 calories) and a mini box of raisins (42 calories): 129 calories
  5. Half a cup of shelled edamame (100 calories) drizzled with two tablespoons of Annie's Gingerly Vinaigrette Dressing (40 calories): 140 calories

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