Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dr. K: Cancer survivors can eat soy foods in moderation

Q I'm a breast cancer survivor. Can soy foods such as tofu or soy milk increase my risk of a cancer recurrence?

A I wish I had a simple and reassuring answer. Soy has a complicated relationship with breast cancer. Many breast cancer cells have receptors for estrogens. Receptors are like a lock, and estrogen is like a key. When the key enters the lock, and fits it, breast cancer cells start to multiply.

A component of soy, isoflavone, binds to estrogen receptors just like estrogen does. That could stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. It also could interfere with the effects of tamoxifen, a drug used to prevent recurrence in women with estrogen-sensitive breast cancer. As a result, some clinicians advise breast cancer patients to limit their consumption of soy or avoid it altogether.

I don't think there is good evidence that women without breast cancer should eat more soy foods in order to protect against breast cancer. I also think breast cancer survivors can eat soy foods in moderation. An occasional serving is probably fine.

Write to Anthony Komaroff via his website,, or write: Ask Doctor K, 10 Shattuck St., Second Floor, Boston, MA 02115.

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