Thursday, August 9, 2012

Have you been diagnosed with cancer?

We understand how overwhelming a cancer diagnosis can be. Navigating Cancer will help you take control of your journey by bringing together powerful tools, relevant cancer resources, and a supportive community — all free and easy to use.

Powerful Organizational Tools

Navigating Cancer has developed powerful, easy to use tools for cancer survivors to help you manage your recovery and obtain the best care:
"Navigating Cancer is a great resource for patients. The tracking tools and reporting functions allow us to understand patient experiences so we can provide the best care" — Linda Bosserman, MD, FACP, President, Wilshire Oncology Medical Group
Make the most of your doctor visits
Prepare for Doctor Visit Guide – Take our step-by-step questionnaire to summarize the details of how you've been feeling and what medications you've taken. Think about and record key questions you want to discuss.
Save time filling out forms
Medical Reports & Forms Complete and save common medical forms on Navigating Cancer's secure platform.
"I had time to think at home and not be rushed at office thinking of answers. My kids went to bed, I went on line-EASY!!" – Navigating Cancer user
Get organized, plan your recovery
Medical Records Organizer Use Navigating Cancer to help organize your cancer journey and keep track of your treatments and medications.
Track your health
Daily Health Journal Quickly capture how you're feeling, and what side-effects you're experiencing related to your treatment. Regular entries help your health care team identify patterns and troubleshoot issues.

Access Resources from Cancer Experts

Navigating Cancer brings together the most helpful information, patient education materials and latest research from trusted resources including the National Cancer Institute and non-profit advocacy groups.
Explore articles related to your diagnosis including symptoms, testing and treatment options. We also offer information reviewed and approved by the FDA for over 150 chemotherapy drugs and regimens and their common side effects.
Create a free account on Navigating Cancer and we will help guide you on your cancer journey with recommended resources based on your specific diagnosis.

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