Friday, January 3, 2014

Do Ovarian Cysts Mean Ovarian Cancer?

An ovarian cyst can be benign or malignant. But if you've gone through menopause, a cyst could indicate ovarian cancer is present.

Medically reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH
Ovarian cysts are collections of fluid within the ovaries. They don't always indicate ovarian cancer; ovaries will frequently develop benign cysts called functional cysts during your menstrual cycle. Cysts may also be part of other conditions, like endometriosis, which aren't ovarian cancer. But sometimes, especially after a woman has gone through menopause, ovarian cysts may turn out to be a very early ovarian cancer symptom.
Ovarian Cysts: Subtle Symptoms
An ovarian cyst might have no symptoms or a few barely noticeable ones. That means these cysts are tough to detect and treat.
"The difficulty with any ovarian neoplasm or growth is that they can be completely [without symptoms] or they can have subtle symptoms, such as feeling gassy, pressure, or urinating more," says Colleen Feltmate, MD, a gynecologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital and the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, both in Boston. Some people, she says, can have changes in bowel movements, or small changes in their gastrointestinal tract. "That can be really subtle, and it can happen with benign cysts or cancerous cysts."
Most often, a cyst is spotted when a patient is being examined for something else, says Dr. Feltmate.
Ovarian Cysts: Not-So-Subtle Symptoms
On rare occasions, ovarian cysts can hurt and be easier to spot, says Feltmate. "A cyst can present with pain, or nausea and pain."
An ovarian cyst can cause significant symptoms. These are:
  • Sore breasts
  • Weight gain
  • Pain in the abdominal area, pelvis, the low back, and the thighs
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Painful intercourse and menstruation
  • Bleeding abnormalities
Ovarian Cysts: Are They Ovarian Cancer?
Feltmate says that most simple cysts do not turn into ovarian cancer. "Cycling cysts are very normal and aren't necessarily very concerning."
But in older women who have gone through menopause — most often those between the ages of 50 and 70 years old — cysts are more likely to be ovarian cancer. Anyone in that age group, or anyone with symptoms of an ovarian cyst that won't go away, should be tested to determine if the cyst is cancerous.
"In post-menopausal women these symptoms are not expected, and they should see their doctor," Feltmate says. "Anyone should be seen if symptoms persist for over a period of time."
Testing for Ovarian Cancer
A number of tests are performed to determine whether an ovarian cyst is actually ovarian cancer. An ultrasound is often done first. A laparoscopic surgical procedure, in which a tiny camera is inserted into the area through small abdominal incisions, can also be done to see and remove the ovarian cyst.
Other tests can help determine if the cyst is malignant or benign. The CA-125 blood test and even a pregnancy test can give clues as to what type of ovarian cyst you have. An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) test and a pelvic exam could also be done to detect cysts.
It's very important for anyone with persistent symptoms to mention them to their doctor. Treatment could be as simple as keeping an eye on it, or as serious as surgery to remove the cyst. Being aware of ovarian cysts and working with your doctor to monitor them can help protect you against ovarian cancer.

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