Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Client provided recommendation. Note: All of our clients privacy is respected.

Hi Susan,

I hope that this note finds you doing well and enjoying the holidays!

I bought a wig from you over the summer, and have been wearing it for all professional and social occasions for about the last 6 weeks.

I’m still learning, but it’s starting to feel more normal.  It surely feels like the best of my options for now.

Many of my close friends have complimented my great new hair cut and say that they love the look with “more bangs.”   We’ve had some good laughs when I quietly tell them that it’s “hair you wear” and they can’t believe it at first.  Those moments have been great therapy!

Best of all, I’m starting to feel like myself again, in that I’m looking forward to going out and having fun living my life, as I always have.

Thanks for taking such good care of me back in July!

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year,

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