Friday, November 12, 2010

Control Your Cancer Fatigue

Cancer Fatigue

Cancer fatigue is a common complaint of many cancer patients and can take over a patient’s life if not treated.

The Problem of Cancer

There are few people in the world who can honestly say they don’t know anyone who has been affected by cancer. This is a widespread modern disease which seems to be taking hold of many people at some point of their lives. The good news is that cancer treatments are more innovative than ever, helping people begin to feel better and to begin to get better as the cancer cells are killed off. Though some cancers will return to haunt a patient, many cancer patients are able to reach and to stay in remission for long periods of time either at home or in assisted living environments.
Cancer is a disease in which there is damage to the DNA of a cell, which then causes the cell to reproduce and create mutated cells. These cells then multiply at a fat rate, causing troubles in the body and shutting down various organs in the body. If the cancer can be detected early, the patient will be able to choose from any number of cancer treatments in order to stop the spread of the cell growth. These mutated cells will be removed or destroyed in an effort to stop the cancer from becoming more widespread. And in many cases, the cancerous cells can be destroyed completely, leaving the patient in good health.

Fighting Cancer is Hard Work

When you’re faced with a diagnosis of cancer, you will go through a number of different emotions. You might be worried about your long term survival rate as well as how you’re going to pay for all of the expensive treatments. But while these worries can seem to be problematic, they might be nothing in comparison to your fatigue. Not only does it sap your energy, but it can also begin to change the way you feel and the success with which you fight your cancer.
Many people focus only on the symptoms of the cancer, but the cancer treatment has its own set of problems too. While the treatment is working hard to kill off the mutated cells, it is also going to kill off the healthy cells. This can lead to feelings of nausea and pain, which might require you to take additional pills to feel better. And those pills can cause more side effects, etc.
Many of the cancer treatments will also be killing blood cells, which then slows down the process of oxygen delivery in the body. When this happens, you can be overwhelmed by feelings of fatigue. If this fatigue is not managed, it will begin to change the way you live your life. You won’t be able to do the things you want to do and you might end up sleeping many of your days away.
Cancer fatigue resources are available to help you begin to take your life back. You can begin to feel healthy again when you look into supportive treatments and therapies. In working with your doctor, you will begin to change the way you feel and the way you fight your cancer. You don’t have to give up your life just because you’re fighting cancer. You can enjoy your life and have all the strength you need to enjoy the days when you feel well.

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