Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yoga Helps You Cope

Hot 'n Healthy: Exercise helps breast cancer survivor cope

Posted: January 25, 2011 - 12:20am  |  Updated: January 25, 2011 - 8:02am
Editor's note: Mary Ellen Mulligan is living proof that exercise can renew and restore one's mental and emotional states. In her words, Mulligan describes how yoga helped her cope with breast cancer.
My name is Mary Ellen Mulligan. Following my diagnosis of breast cancer in January of 2009, I chose to have a bilateral mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. My oncologist then recommended the "standard of care" chemotherapy regimen for my breast cancer.
Fortunately for me, I discovered a cancer support yoga class offered by Cathy Baxter shortly after I began chemotherapy. Cathy's class allowed me to feel a sense of well-being and strength, calm amidst the storm. I looked forward to yoga class and no matter how badly I felt upon entering each weekly session, I always left feeling invigorated and refreshed, taller and stronger, and at peace with my cancer diagnosis and treatment plan.
As a cancer survivor, Cathy knew what it was like to go through treatment. Her calming demeanor, knowledge of yoga, genuine compassion and willingness to help those going through cancer treatment provided the strength and support for me to overcome the challenges of breast cancer. Her positive energy and calm spirit were always contagious.
The gentle stretches, twists, poses and balances all helped to soften the worse effects of the toxic chemicals that were infused into my body each week. But it was actually the breathing exercises and awareness of breath that ultimately played the biggest part in my healing
During yoga class, we practiced deep breathing, relaxing and letting go. With every inhale, I took in positive energy and new air. My mind and body were able to sink deeper into various poses, relaxing and clearing my mind. With every exhale I eliminated stress, anxiety and chemical toxins.
I believe chemotherapy can cause a general feeling of sadness, and I experienced this especially during the initial chemotherapy treatments. Yoga helped me to stay balanced and my new relationship with breath stays with me constantly. No matter how busy I am; whether I am sitting, lying or standing; at work, at home or outside, I always utilize the restorative breathing techniques Cathy helped me to develop through my yoga practice.
Through the practice of yoga, I began to acknowledge and appreciate the importance of breath to life.
One of my favorite yoga poses is Legs Up the Wall, a pose used during savasana, which is usually saved for last. The pose is restorative and always very relaxing.
Another one of my favorite poses is Modified Bridge Pose at the Wall

Legs Up the Wall Pose (Viparti Karani)
Have a blanket nearby and start by sitting with your left side against a wall and your right hand on the floor.
Step 1. Bring your weight onto your right hip and hand and pivot your legs up the wall as you bring your right side and eventually your back down to the ground. Once you are on your back, wiggle closer to the wall so your rear is almost touching it and let the backs of the legs rest on the wall. Next, lift your head to look down at your body to ensure it is straight and perpendicular to the wall.
Step 2. Relax your head. If you notice your head tips back when you lie down, place a blanket or small pillow underneath your head until the front and back of your neck are equal in length. Relax the arms into any comfortable position preferably lower than the heart: this signals to the heart that it is time to relax.

Modified Bridge Pose at the Wall (Variation of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
-- Starting from Legs up the Wall Pose, place the soles of your feet on the wall with your shins parallel to the ground.
-- Bring your arms down by your side with the palms facing down. Once you are settled, flatten the natural arch of your low back into the ground and notice how this scoops your pelvis and allows the tailbone to be the highest point on your spine.
-- Maintain this scoop as you begin to lift each vertebrae, starting at the bottom of your spine and working your way up. As you rise, continue to press down through the backs of your shoulders and the back of your head.
-- Peel up one vertebra at a time as you inhale and lower one vertebra at a time as you exhale. Use the breath to make this pose as effortless as possible.

How long: When in Legs up the Wall, breathe, surrender and relax in the pose. Then transition into the Modified Bridge Pose at the Wall. Lift and lower between 5-10 times. Return to Legs Up the Wall Pose and hold for as long as it feels comfortable and easeful.
Contact Cathy Baxter at or go to her website at

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