Friday, December 9, 2011

Patience heals all wounds

This entry was written by Jaime Rossano. Jaime was diagnosed with 2B invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer. Jaime is a college student pursuing a degree in Humanities and Social ScienceEvery other Friday, Jaime will share a blog entry about her breast cancer experience. This year-long blog series is in honor of LBBC’s 20th anniversary.
To read Jaime’s previous entries, enter “Jaime Rossano” in the search box on this site.
We are taught a lot of things while we are growing up: have patience; be respectful; respect your elders; look both directions before crossing the street; wait your turn; ask questions because there are no stupid questions. We are taught to make friends, not enemies; raise your hand; wash your hands; cover your mouth; help those who are in need; We are raised with values and morals that may differ from one another but all in all we are raised to be well-rounded individuals.
Over the past year there have been many situations where I have to dig deep and think back to when I was a child and what my parents have told me. You haven’t learned it all until you have experienced it all.  Experience is the key word here. I have to say you can teach me right out of the book but the only way to truly learn something is by experiencing it.
The countless hours sitting in the waiting room = Patience
Watching the people who have appointments after you go first= Take Turns
The endless tests that have to be run before you can move further through your journey = Patience
Being your own advocate to make sure you are receiving the best care possible= Ask questions
Sharing my story with others to let them know they are not alone = Helping those in need
The cranky nurses that seem to always have a bad day (I found out bring them candy and they will be your best friend) = Make friends, not enemies
Going through chemo you always have to be careful of germs = Wash your hands and cover your mouth
Parking lots at the hospital or doctors office are always dangerous – everyone is in a rush to get to nowhere = Look both directions before crossing the street
The comments of our elders sometimes are not the comments we are expecting, sometimes they do not have a very nice way of saying something or just say something that really gets under your skin = Respect your elders
The countless times you have to make doctor’s appointments and you need to be put on hold = Patience
Recovery time from chemo, radiation, surgery = PATIENCE
You will notice a common word throughout this blog and that would be PATIENCE. Many of us can say we have patience but it is not until our patience is tested to the max that we develop an understanding of the meaning of patience.
Since my surgery last week, patience has been a big issue for me. I am so tired of not being 100% and feeling great. I have learned that things take time to heal and after surgery your can’t heal over night. You need time and patience to allow things to heal. You need patience for the end result, you need patience with yourself, your body and your mind. So take a deep breath sit back and relax and learn to be patient. It’s not easy, but it is possible.
My son Ronnie makes my patience worth it!
We want to hear from you! How has your patience been tested during your breast cancer journey? Did you, like Jaime, learn to embrace patience in order to achieve a more seamless breast cancer experience?

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