Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Massages for Cancer Patients

Many studies have examined the impact of 
massage therapy on quality of life for cancer patients.

The results of recent studies show that massage therapy is often associated with an improvement of the well-being of patients in both the short and long-term, determined by an improved ability to relax, a reduction of anxiety and better sleep quality.
Oncology massage therapy actually is a combination of many styles of massage incorporated into one session. It is a non-invasive technique, specifically adapted for individuals of all ages and types of cancer. Many health care professionals recognize massage as a useful, noninvasive addition to standard medical treatment.
There is some debate over whether or not massage is dangerous for cancer patients. It is important to consult a doctor about which massage or bodywork modalities would be safe for cancer patients.
A very gentle massage can help reduce stress for cancer patients, and reductions in stress levels can benefit the immune system. Therapists can also offer Indian head massage and neck massage or reflexology to their clients. They should only receive massage therapy from a therapist educated in oncology massage. The massage therapist must be able to produce certification that he/she has had education in massage for cancer patients, in addition to the standard education in massage therapy.
A study has suggested that massage could even reduce the pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy treatments in certain cases of breast cancer.
Overall, massage therapy could therefore be considered a simple way of improving the mood of cancer patients, which will contribute to their overall well-being.

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