Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Cancer Survivors Club


Just Released – November 2012
The Cancer Survivors Club is a collection of truly inspirational, uplifting and assuring survival stories. These poignant personal accounts from normal people, demonstrate an extraordinary determination to survive against the odds. It proves with survival rates doubling, anything is possible. 

Unfortunately cancer affects everyone; worldwide there are around 12.7 million new cases diagnosed each year. Every two minutes someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer.

The Cancer Survivors Club has an excellent mix of stories, from the most common cancer to the rarest. Some of the cancer types mentioned are; Brain, Bowel, Breast, Pancreatic, Testicular, Leukemia, Nasal and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. 

Included in the book are a number of Chris Geiger’s cheerful newspaper columns, such as his humorous account of a prostate examination, getting sun burnt on a crowded beach and his Guinness World Record article.

The Cancer Survivors Club will provide anyone touched by cancer with hope, strength and encouragement. Each story is written from the survivors or families own perspective, offering a very warm, friendly style of writing. This relaxed and sometimes humorous approach makes The Cancer Survivors Club an informative, positive and inspirational book that the reader will be able to relate to and gain strength from. 

Many cancer patients and those around them find the grueling treatments very hard to cope with, they often feel very alone and isolated. This book allows anyone affected by the disease to focus their attention on surviving, ultimately making it their goal to share their story in future editions.

Most patients have times when they feel they are the only person going through cancer treatment and have nobody to talk with. It is also a very difficult time for people close to the patient who have no previous experience in dealing with this disease. 

The Cancer Survivors club is a must-read for the millions of cancer patients worldwide and a book of great support for their family and friends.

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