girl_with_lassoTime for this week’s round-up of the best of the blogs which I’ve read over the past week. These are the posts that have moved me, taught me something, inspired me, and which I’ve wanted to share with you. Remember, if you have written or read a post recently which you would like me to share with readers, then please leave a comment below.
Welcome to the first weekly round-up of 2013. I am looking forward to another year of reading, digesting and learning from your blogs. Let’s see what you have been writing about in the blogosphere this week.
The Pink Underbelly is in a reflective mood at the start of this new year as she looks back on how far she (and her blog) have travelled. Meanwhile fresh starts are the order of the day at The Pink Kitchen and Nancy’s Point  while Debbie is all about divine, feminine, creative reinvention, and Joanna has chosen to be led by the Proustian quote:
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
Kari is celebrating the power and beauty of words in her blog and the power of words  is also the  theme of  the latest blog by Dr Matthew Katz  for the Mayo Clinic, but this time how words can wound. Some of you have chosen three words to keep you focussed in the year ahead, including Philippa and Katie (who has added her own twist by combining the exercise with Motherpeace cards). And while Terri writes that she has not chosen the three words exercise, she couldn’t resist weaving a little “live your best life” into the kick-off of her Karma Challenge.  Finally, gratitude is the word on AnneMarie’s lips and in her heart at the start of January and Elaine has pledged to write a haiku a day for 2013.
Lori is staring a new blog year railing against the latest “iGoPink” campaign for Breast Cancer Charities of America. Depressingly despite how “we rant, we rave, we educate… it seems (these kind of campaigns) are getting worse, not better.”
Quick shout out to Eileen whose blog Woman In The Hat I was delighted to discover this week.
And now to Downton Abbey, where this season breast cancer – as Double Whammied calls it the disease du jour – has arrived and many of you felt moved to comment on the storyline this week. If you haven’t already done so, do check out The Sarcastic Boob’s hilarious image caption.
In What Stops Care,  Audrey is pondering how nursing has changed and asks if improving clinical outcomes has been done at the expense of patient experience?
Catherine has undertaken an interesting exercise – writing a letter to her 14 year old self – well, what would you say to yours?
Finally this week, please send healing thoughts and your good wishes and prayers to Jen who has had a tough start to the year. I leave you with the wise  words of Susan to gently ease you into a new year.
Meanwhile it’s a new year. Make the most of it, love yourself and try to enjoy everything around you no matter where your body or mind is at. This also includes what your loved ones are going through. That is the only way all of us can live our best lives and appreciate so much of what we have.
Here’s to fresh starts and gratitude for another year of living and loving.
Yours with love
Marie xxx