Tuesday, January 15, 2013

MajorHope Innovative Cancer Survivorship Care Model

MajorHOPE is an innovative cancer survivorship care model designed to inform and educate survivors and caregivers about the financial, emotional and spiritual concerns that can accompany a cancer diagnosis, to show them the way.

Our mission focuses on survivors and caregivers by providing tools, information and advice to deal with the upheaval caused by a cancer diagnosis 

MajorHOPE paves a way for you to get a grip on the financial implications of chronic illness.
MajorHOPE builds you a platform to find answers for your spiritual struggles/questions, regardless of your faith, religion or denomination.

Our survivorship care model and caregiver preparation process is your foundation to restore peace and stability in the present and hope for the future.
Our education programs focus on three initiatives:

Encouraging, supporting and restoring hope to cancer survivors

Helping care givers and family members manage the life challenges, fears and needs they face caring for their family members and friends.

Training professional advisors in the art and science of planning with compassion, sensitivity and understanding the "cancer world."Cancer causes the two most common, intensely personal and immediate crises in a family or individual's lives; financial concerns and spiritual distress.
Focusing on reducing the stress, fear and uncertainty in the lives of the people directly impacted by cancer, MajorHOPEprovides educational materials, training and coaching for family helpers, caregivers and non-medical professionals who care for cancer survivors.
Additional materials and information in the form of assessment tools, studies, articles, blogs, and curriculum are customized for cancer survivors.  

The MajorHOPE care model includes experiences and expertise developed by oncology medical and social services staff.

Non-medical professionals such as certified financial advisors, attorneys, accountants, consultants, chaplains, counselors and clergy of all faiths provided additional tools and practical next steps when applicable.

Caregivers, volunteers, survivors and family members' case studies, perspectives and creative approaches for coping and managing daily activities shed light on the personal interaction living in a cancer world.

The model knits together a trusted network providing a holistic approach to care during and after treatment.

We believe providing you with a better quality of life during and after your journey with cancer, your stress is reduced, hope is regained and your overall health improves.

When applicable, we work with your medical team, doctors, and social services professionals to be better informed, but not breach privacy or confidentiality.


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