Saturday, March 9, 2013

Daily digest for March 9th, 2013 [CancerConnect]

Here's your daily digest, SusansSpecial
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Freida Ernes started discussion "I have small cell lung cancer extensive I know everything I read [...]" in group Lung Cancer   at 12:35 am, March 8th, 2013
I have small cell lung cancer extensive I know everything I read says the outlook isnt good, Is there anyone on here who has been thru this? My last 2 scans were good. Still there but not growing and spots on brain gone. I did 4 rounds of chemo 7 weeks of chest radiation and 2 weeks of brain radiation. Just wondered if anyone is surving this. - Reply to this post - View
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linda A riley replied to discussion "I'm new to this group here's my story...on Dec. 20th had surgery [...]" in group Colon Cancer  at 6:23 pm, March 8th, 2013
Thank you for the replies everyone. My first treatment is in the books and I'm had very little side effects other than that crazy neurothopy feeling in the finger tips. The journey has begun and I thank God everyday he gives me a better day than yesterday. - Reply to this post - View
Bhabina replied to update "Hello Everyone, I am new to the site. Diagnosed June 2011 with [...]"   at 5:46 pm, March 8th, 2013
Thank you, Julie. I've had a couple of decent days thanks to tincture of Opium taken twice a day for diarrhea. Hope you have, too. - Reply to this post - View
pattyc replied to discussion "I'm new to this group here's my story...on Dec. 20th had surgery [...]" in groupColon Cancer  at 5:34 pm, March 8th, 2013
Wow, your story is rough, but you're far from alone. For many, surgery is just the beginning. When they keep giving you bad news it's tough to stay positive. But, a positive attitude is crucial to survival. My breast cancer went into my spine. I'm 47 w/ teen-age boys who need me. It all began in Jan 2010. I still feel every emotion, but I focus on how grateful I am to be here now and make the most of every life event. Good luck to you. Remember all the people dealing with this, you can too. Then you'll have a great success story to share. - Reply to this post - View
pattyc replied to update "Yippee"   at 5:19 pm, March 8th, 2013
Happy to hear of your success. We are hearing more and more of great results these days. Thanks for sharing, it gives hope to us who are struggling. - Reply to this post - View
myb1 replied to discussion "I'm new to this group here's my story...on Dec. 20th had surgery [...]" in groupColon Cancer  at 3:42 pm, March 8th, 2013
The log also helped me to remember when certain things happened thanks to chemo brain! - Reply to this post - View
Corey replied to update "Yippee"   at 3:32 pm, March 8th, 2013
Congrats! - Reply to this post - View
Obxcrz replied to discussion "Hello everyone I am new to this site and I was wondering [...]" in groupBreast Cancer  at 3:28 pm, March 8th, 2013
Hello ladies thanks again for the information and good wishes. It is great to hear from women who have made the journey before me and have done so well. I actually went to the surgeon today and he explained a lot more to me and what it involves. Elaine 01 I felt the way you did about another surgery....I am tired:( But at the same time I do not like my prosthesis I find it to be hot and I always feel like I have to adjust. I appreciate your support and good wishes. Thanks again ladies for the information for every good input I feel more comfortable and educated....I am also glad to know the pain and swelling eventually with time goes away from [...] - Reply to this post -&nbsp ;View
discomama posted:  at 3:09 pm, March 8th, 2013
Yippee I am four years cancer free ! Alleluia  Alleluia   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Reply to this post - View
julie m replied to update "Hello Everyone, I am new to the site. Diagnosed June 2011 with [...]"   at 2:11 pm, March 8th, 2013
Hi there-you'll find so much support here....glad you found the connection! - Reply to this post - View
pepper replied to discussion "Hi all, This is my first post. I was dx with Stage [...]" in group Uterine Cancer at 1:20 pm, March 8th, 2013
Angie, Not sure if you ever received my response to you regarding what my systems were when I had my recurrence. I had my hysterectomy for stage 1A endometrial cancer and was told that I would be fine and that no treatments would be necessary. About 8 weeks post surgery I had some cramping and lower back pain. I went to my primary dr.who told me that I had a urinary tract infection but the prescription really didn't make me feel any better at the 10 day point. I also had a lot of pain after urination. I went to my surgical onc. who performed an internal exam and was quite surprised to discover that it felt crusty and not smooth. He did a biopsy [...] - Reply to this post - View
kellya started discussion "The newest PSA encouraging screening for colorectal cancers is released today featuring [...]" in group Genetic Testing & Cancer Screening   at 9:52 am, March 8th, 2013
The newest PSA encouraging screening for colorectal cancers is released today featuring the actor Terrence Howard. - Reply to this post - View
carolcowan replied to update "My spoiuse was recently diagnosed with stage 4B Squamous Cell Cancer (oral [...]"   at 9:38 am, March 8th, 2013
Whether or not your spouse's cancer responds to chemotherapy will greatly influence his treatment plan. Because the cancer has spread to other areas, chemo can affect the growth of cells outside of the radiation fields, as well as the tumors they have found. While you are "waiting for" radiation, cancer cells are being treated. - Reply to this post - View
Roselyn replied to discussion "I'm new to this group here's my story...on Dec. 20th had surgery [...]" in group Colon Cancer  at 9:32 am, March 8th, 2013
Hello Kfarmer,Ican understand your fears. like you i went to me doctor for a check up. only to be told i hd to have immediate surgery for breast cancer.I had travelled to my lymph nodes under the arm.However i was not upset .i stayed calm and prayed cointuously .I had a mastectomy of the left breast .. on december 18 2013. But i was still strong to enjoy my christmas. Now i started chemo monday 5 march, no side effects so far. just stay strong and be strong .I strength comes from the lord. Roselyn - Reply to this post - View
kwalt replied to discussion "I'm new to this group here's my story...on Dec. 20th had surgery [...]" in groupColon Cancer  at 9:18 am, March 8th, 2013
Really smart to keep a journal. Sounds like you were able to find the right combination for yourself by having this information readily available. - Reply to this post - View
kwalt replied to update "Port"   at 9:14 am, March 8th, 2013
Thanks for the advice! Congrats on two years. - Reply to this post - View
susianrys replied to discussion "Hello everyone I am new to this site and I was wondering [...]" in groupBreast Cancer  at 8:18 am, March 8th, 2013
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. I had it in both breasts and some lymph nodes removed. We chose a bilateral mastectomy (radical on the right side) and removed the lymph nodes. I did the ACT chemo as well, 3 months of Adriamycin and Cytoxin, 3 of Taxol. I also had swelling (had the steroids, as well). Most of the foot pain is gone.The "fluey" feeling lasted several months, and there were days I wondered if I would ever feel good again. I feel GREAT today! I did have TRAM flap reconstruction in 2009. It was a 2 part surgery. I LOVE the results! My surgeon is excellent and known for this procedure. The first part was 6 hours. I was in the [...] - Reply to this post - View
charles replied to discussion "Greetings, fellow-survivors! I have been treated with CHEMOs and survived both NHL [...]" in group Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma  at 6:39 am, March 8th, 2013
Thanks for the update and hears to hoping the nodes just continue to get smaller. C - Reply to this post - View
newt replied to discussion "Greetings, fellow-survivors! I have been treated with CHEMOs and survived both NHL [...]" in group Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma  at 6:30 am, March 8th, 2013
Hi Charles! Well, I had the scans last week [PET/CT and CT] with some "interesting" results.... Saw my Oncologist yesterday and the left-pectoral node from the November scan shrunk below 1cm and the SUV dropped into the 3's. However, there is a new omental node near colon that is quite small, but grew from 2mm to 7mm [too small to find/biopsy] and has an SUV of 3.7. So, given the current situation and that I have had so many scans during the past 3 years, we're just going to watch and see what develops in 6 months as I am told the SCT should take care of the disease, whether large or small, few or many. My Oncol is consulting with some Penn Lymphoma specialists [...] - Reply to this post - View
newt replied to discussion "Greetings, fellow-survivors! I have been treated with CHEMOs and survived both NHL [...]" in group Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma  at 6:21 am, March 8th, 2013
Thanks... I will check out the links. Actually, the NHL and HL occurred about a year apart, so not sure if that is technically "composite". I am told that if folks get both, usually it is HL that comes first. I had the NHL first, so I am in a small class of folks in that regard. - Reply to this post - View
tony posted:  at 6:14 am, March 8th, 2013
Port To anybody that has problems giving blood, I would recommend get a port installed before going through surgery it will make your life much easier. I had colon cancer and am 2 years clean. To god bless. Anthony Viscuso Jr    "If you can read this, thank a teacher... and since it's in English, thank a soldier." - Reply to this post - View

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